by Susan Denisi | Mar 1, 2024 | Plumbing System, Bathtubs, Downspouts, Garbage Disposal, Gutters, Indoor Drains, Inspection, Maintenance, Outdoor Drains, Problems, Season, Shower, Sink, Spring, Spring Preparation, Spring-ready, Springtime, Sump Pump, Toilet, Water Heater
As spring arrives, we naturally focus on the season’s fresh start. For many homeowners alike, spring is also the perfect time for cleaning and organizing tasks. We are here to remind you not to overlook your plumbing system in the process! After enduring winter,...
by Susan Denisi | Dec 15, 2023 | Sink, Drain, Drain Stopper, Drainpipe, Faucet, Grabber Claw, Magnetic Telescoping Wand, P-trap, Pivot Rod Arm, Water
Have you ever lost a cherished ring, a piece of jewelry, or some other meaningful trinket down the drain of a sink? If you have, you know how heart-wrenching it can be! Maybe that’s even why you stumbled across this blog today. You’re looking for answers...
by Susan Denisi | Jun 9, 2023 | Summer, Backup, Clog, Drain, Faucet, Huber Heights, Leaking, Ohio, Outdoor, Sewage, Sewer Line, Sink, Sprinkler, Toilet, Water Heater, Water Hose
Summer is a time for outdoor activities, swimming, visits from family and friends, and lots of fun in the sun. Likely, you have a handful of things planned this summer that you and your family will be getting into, but don’t forget to include some relaxation on that...