by Susan Denisi | Dec 15, 2023 | Sink, Drain, Drain Stopper, Drainpipe, Faucet, Grabber Claw, Magnetic Telescoping Wand, P-trap, Pivot Rod Arm, Water
Have you ever lost a cherished ring, a piece of jewelry, or some other meaningful trinket down the drain of a sink? If you have, you know how heart-wrenching it can be! Maybe that’s even why you stumbled across this blog today. You’re looking for answers...
by Becca Agunga | Sep 9, 2022 | Dayton, Filters, Hard Water, Huber Heights, Ohio, Plumbing & Drain, Water, Water Filtration, Water Purification, Water Softener
We often forget how fortunate we are to have filtered water so readily available. You may think that your water is already clean since it goes through a rigorous filtration process before it ever makes it to your home. How detailed the filtration process depends on...